2011 Gratitude List
2011 is a great year of firsts, expansions and more importantly, of LOVE and CONSCIOUSNESS in its grandest, finest, infinitude and wholeness. There is so much to be thankful for and it would a crime not to share even a fraction of its immense-ness in heart.
1. Truly learning the gift of silence and communion with the God with-IN
It started with the best birthday gift I ever gave myself, a solo journey to the prayer mountain. It was apparent that this wisdom revealed lay the power to share love and best of intentions for others. As this consciousness expanded, my heart grew bigger that my chest cannot hold it in its old place; it took its rightful place in the Universe.
Sunset at Dancalan, Sorsogon (Donsol) – The calm vastness that is “home” to the gentle yet largest fish in the world – Butanding (whale sharks – Rhindodon typus)
2. Albay-Sorsogon
Going to the Bicol region felt like coming “home”. Its irresistible motherly arms embraced us with so much openness with the majesty that is Mt. Mayon, black beaches, ruins, people, butanding and fireflies up in the trees and under the Donsol River under the full moon.
There is something incredibly precious and humbling in swimming with the Butanding. Despite my burned back, stiff arms and calves from swimming as fast as I possibly could for two hours, the encounter left me with so much peace in the confirmation of the littleness of my then day-to-day worries and agitations.
3. Embracing the love and light of the living sun food lifestyle
Last March, I decided to undergo a 30-day high raw diet. Little did I know that I will choose embrace it with every cell in my body and with every little bit of my being. Living foods paved my path–with a sprinkling of fairies, suns and stars–to the door to the Source of it all, staking claim to the abundance that is my birth right.
4. Inner Dance and Bahay Kalipay
As I entered the door to the Universe, the path is long and endless. To keep walking, I have to get back to who I chose to be and it required peeling every acquired and preconditioned layer. Last May, I found the Dance so seekers such as I, can go back to the “who I am”. After the first session, I made the decision to fly to Palawan to deepen my processing in life review and self-identification through free movement, raw food and holistic detoxification. If the love I received weren’t enough, I met so many hearts in the same journey who helped and witnessed my becoming.
And, from then on, I left my slippers behind.
5. Embodying sacred simplicity of raw
Months in the raw, basking in and sharing its love and while raw-trofitting my kitchen, I became magnetized to the beautiful simplicity of raw food as I broadened my raw kitchen skills in Dahon Kusina by sharing space with The Lighter Side of Raw workshop attendees (I am so happy and proud to be part of this lovely team!). The more my raw food preparations become progressively complex, the more I appreciated its inherent simplicity–and the latter is what I continue to choose to share.
The wisdom that is me went on a 30-day juice fast that made me feel and look significantly more than a million bucks. Truly, the simplest things make you the richest. And, I am never the same again.
Biggest Fan Moment – Amomboyao aka Romulo Caballero
6. Hinilawod in Manila
I asked, and I received! ready to book tickets to Dumaguete and run to Siliman just to witness the world’s longest epic on stage, a whisper said I should wait and wait I did. The cast made CCP their home for two days and I there I met Amomboyao who beautifully chanted excerpts from Hinilawod…his singing made my soul cry.
Malinta Tunnel
7. Corregidor
I love curious places and a tadpole-shaped island which became the turn of the century’s premiere military defense in Asia is no exception. Back in May, I thought, “If only walls could talk.” Now, I can’t wait to go back with a bike and talk to walls.
8. Fuma
Courtesy of a very dear friend, this bundle of very sweet gray smoky joy joined out family of four last February. He likes eating everything his hooman nanay does, which includes green smoothies.
Inner Dance Initiatory Teachers Training Manila (photo by Dexter Tan)
9. SIMUNYE (We Are One)
The souls who chose to become a family in two days, bound by love and healing, the hearts I chose to become my heart of hearts. ONE soul, ONE heart, ONE love, ONE family called into BEing ?
Together, we move mountains.
BOL’s Oplan Lana (photo by Lyza Peña)
10. Small Group: OPLAN Lana
After some time in Bread of Life, I find myself in this group of lovely women who desire nothing but embody the best of God within. I have not seen them in months but I know I am always in their prayers, and them, in mine.

Plurk Pals
photo by Jovan De Ocampo
11. The coolest Plurk friends
They shared the littlest and the biggest news of my every day. They know my heart at its most mundane, toughest, softest and everything in between. I am thankful for each them–a handful of stars did not make it in the photo –down to the soles of their feet.
12. The first genuine transitory initiative to simple raw food lifestyle community in the country
It is a wonderful blessing to belong to the RFSGP community and work with so many different people drawn to raw food–for various reasons, primarily for better health. This current space housing this community built early last year quickly grew to 500+ members and transformed to a community with a life of its own, a soul and breath that is the amalgamation of 500 souls.
The group will transfer to a new home, a hosted forum to better provide support to each member’s needs and the FB group will be opened to the public as soon as I post our Vision Mission. Teehee!

Talaandig Wedding March
13. Bukidnon and the Talaandig Tribe
What fitting way to get to know Bukidnon the first time around through the Talaandig community and walking barefoot on the muddy foothills of Mt. Kitanglad! Such a privilege to gain friends and family promoting unity through peace and culture and communion with nature. <em>Maraming maraming salamat!

Camiguin’s oldest tree, or is it?
14. Enigmata and Camiguin
I found Enigmata back in 2007 and recommended it to a bunch of friends despite the fact I only stepped foot on its grounds just last year. Mama Rosa and her family of artists did an exceptional job of creating this living and breathing space which is a destination on its own.
Camiguin took my breath away. Indeed, it’s one of the most beautiful places in the country. It owns a piece of my heart.
15. Coron and Culion
2011 is a year of exponential firsts and stepping foot on Coron and Culion no exemption. Finally understanding the general fan-dom of Coron’s visitors, I too willingly joined the club. This trip by far is the most difficult: A missed flight, canceled flight, calling so many for last minute updates, to name a few. Time and money consuming it may have been, it opened a door with which when opened, buckets-full of random kindness from strangers is received.
The privilege of witnessing all this is definitely worth all the trouble.
16. Simple loving service through raw food and healing
Sendong came and revealed the real state of poverty our country has. Despite the destroyed homes, displaced families, hundreds killed and hundreds more missing during the season to be jolly, a small window opened. An opportunity to awaken to the vast richness and abundance through raw food and Inner Dance.
The Maia Consciousness Community was called to action and it gave birth to a movement with a mission to awaken everyone who is ready all over the country and the world.
Thank you, 2011 for the amazing, fortuitous encounters, opportunities, headaches, gut aches, smiles, laughs, acceleration, opening, the unraveling. Thank you for preparing me for 2012.
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