Mar 8, 2012
Are GMOs Safe?
Once upon a time, I had dreamed of becoming a Genetic Engineer because I thought I will help create a better world by understanding DNA. DNA has long fascinated me–sans the actual science. Never really understanding the ecological and human health implications of GMOs until I became a professional and transitioning towards more conscious lifestyle decisions, beginning with what I eat. Sad to say, most produce grown through the monocropping grid are GMOs and here in the Philippines, there are so many hybrids and GMOs out in the market. The largest GMO company in the world, Monsanto has a big representation in the land I call home making me question the safety of what we are eating. So are GMOs safe? Here’s my case. Man is the most ingenious species in the planet, with each problem and threat to the species, it meets with creative solutions. One of the most pressing challenge is how to safeguard food security for the ever increasing food demands of the continuously rising global population. To meet the challenge, man ambitiously created the technology allowing gene modification. One of man’s most drastic solutions to the challenge is Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or Genenetically Engineered Organisms (GE). GMOs allow plants to express and actualize gene traits that are normally not inherent to their particular species for the sole purpose of high crop yield and resistance to pesticides and herbicides. Over the years—without long-term safety studies–man consumed hybrid rice and corn, tomatoes resistant to frost courtesy of a flounder (fish) gene, pesticide-resistant soy, potatoes, among others. These crops made its way to grocery shelves and produce aisle in bags of chips, soy sauce, ketchup, tofu, flour and much more. Large food and GMO seed corporations and their several scientists claim GMOs are safe yet current studies show this is not the case. Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM (Genetically Modified) foods. According to renowned doctors and biologists, GMO contributes to deteriorating health worldwide. And the findings of the studies include the following: AT RISK: Pregnant women and babies – GM soy were fed to female rats and most of their babies died. In the same study, the group of female rats fed natural soy, only 10% died. GM-fed babies are smaller and are likely infertile. Male rats fed with GM have blue testicles compared to the normal pink color plus their young sperm is altered. In India, most buffalos who consumed GM cottonseed had... read more