
Finding Christ in Christmas

I have lived many lives and died many deaths, existed 31 years and celebrated 31 Christmases. As a child, I was no different from most kids. Christmas was the color red and green; Santa and his 9 reindeer; gifts underneath a plastic triangular tree; Simbang Gabi; Noche Buena; giant red socks filled with sweets and more toys! Growing up, it became the season to be broke, pack on extra pounds in adipose, toss wads of cash to feed the seemingly unbeatable beast that is consumerism which feed the current ways of the world. It was all the same until Sendong came and its eye cruised through Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, revealing an indescribable trail of sorrow and devastation caused by a combination of climate change and generations-worth of disrespect of nature and life (mining operations and ill-legal logging).  Waking up in my sleep hearing wails grieving souls losing their loved ones and everything they worked so hard for and sight of corpses buried in mud, a firm whisper to HELP muted all others. I shared the same compulsion and desire to help in any way I can by giving my energy in both short and long term relief/aid efforts. After sending off 50+ boxes/bags of bottled water and goods from and with the hearts of my colleagues and impelling Raw Food Support Group Phils. to share our abundance, I hear the whisper again…nudging, firm, all-knowing. As a soul deeply and multifariously grounded in simplicity, sustainability and essence,  I have to help in the best way Wisdom knows how. Sacred Healing Caravan (Christ Consciousness, Raw Food and Inner Dance) in Northern Mindanao – In less than 72 hours, I converged and aligned with hearts burgeoning with the same truth and fire.  Inspired by the wisdom of spirits of the ancients, light workers gathered with ONE divine intention:  Empower our displaced kababayans to be independently and holistically sustainable. When the last donated Peso is gone, the last bottle of water is consumed, the food in cans and plastic are eaten, the homes and bridges are rebuilt, lives will never be the same. In order to live, our kababayans need to heal, feed themselves with the supreme abundance they are graciously surrounded with which the whole world can see and material wealth can never provide, and reconnect with nature with respect and love as it is in Creator’s grand design. it’s free flyer on raw food basics  (Bisaya) – content written and simplified in Manila... read more
